Saturday, February 15, 2020

Principles Of Auditing - Apple vs. Samsung Lawsuit Essay

Principles Of Auditing - Apple vs. Samsung Lawsuit - Essay Example Samsung, the two technology manufacturing giants. In this regard, the discussion of the case provides a critical understanding about the key reasons of stealing software and identifies if Apple or Samsung have disclosed any such information regarding the stealing of software. In addition, the discussion of the essay also highlights the process of disclosing information by these two technology manufacturers and explains the roles and the comments made by the auditors through this particular lawsuit between Apple and Samsung. In relation to the lawsuits associated with the software programs, Apple has been recognized to enter lawsuit by claiming a steal of software program by its core rival Samsung. According to the lawsuit, it has been identified that Apple acquired the community design registration in order to produce tablet computer in the year 2004. The team of Apple strongly believes the fact that a major portion of the buyers purchases a phone of Samsung by considering it as an iPhone. According to the team, there can be certain reasons of the customers for considering the phone of Samsung as an iPhone (Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP, â€Å"Democratic, Republican Party Platforms Emphasize Internet Freedom†). Based on the lawsuit, it has been claimed by Apple that Samsung made an infringement by using comparable design of its Galaxy SII by stealing software programs from Apple iPhone 4S. Moreover, the court fillings written by the attorney of Apple has also claimed that Samsung has systematically copied innovative technology along with innovative features and designs of Apple by infringing devices in the smartphone and tablet business industry (The Guardian, â€Å"Apple Sues Samsung for $2bn as Tech Rivals head back to Court†). The litigation of copying design and features or menu structure of the operating software has been emerged in

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Writing and Researching Skills Self-Assessment Essay - 3

Writing and Researching Skills Self-Assessment - Essay Example In this regard, the aim of the writing and researching skills assessment is to proffer pertinent details that one has learned about oneself in terms of the skills developed for writing and research through the completion of these activities. The course has given one ample opportunities to write three-page articles and the required research paper where pages ranged between eight to ten pages. At the onset, the number of pages to be written seemed to be an ominous task. As one received appropriate instructions on the writing techniques and guidelines for effective writing, confidence is slowly developed. The skills in selecting an appropriate topic for discussion, choosing the most effective authoritative references, and developing a cohesive paper were progressively honed. Due to the need for regular proofreading and reviewing the written drafts, one likewise developed proofreading skills and the chance to enhanced one’s vocabulary. There was recognition for the need to use synonyms and expand comprehensive abilities through searching on meanings of unfamiliar terms that were encountered in secondary sources. Further, there was emphasis on adhering to literary form and structure through the observance of grammatic al rules and tips for effective essay writing. One developed the skills in research through discerning authoritative and academic sources of information and the need to acknowledge other research through proper citation and referencing. Also, given the magnanimity of information available from diverse sources, one was able to discern which references to use and which ones would be most beneficial for the identified research study. The skills of introspection were thereby aptly developed through the writing and research experiences throughout the course. Despite the number of articles and research paper written, one strongly believes that there is still a need to further develop both skills